This age group ideally requires a 5 day repetitive work schedule to best help them prepare for Elementary School. Children in this age group that attend school 5 days a week have shown faster growth in all areas of classroom work as well as significantly better social skills essential for success in work and life. Children thrive on routine and consistency.   

Children love exploring, discovering, experiencing their environment. Doing this takes time. We live in such a fast paced world that we want results and mastery immediately in a certain time frame. Children do not function like that. They need time to develop, time spent to unfold and become who they are meant to be. The Montessori environment offers quality, purposeful environment for children to engage in. Each day they are presented lessons that are age appropriate. We see children spend pockets of time in certain areas, repeating works and activities that they are enjoying. 

Being in the classroom for five days, provides consistency and an opportunity to choose many interesting work. It allows the natural pace of a child’s learning to happen. Longer times spent in a Montessori environment helps develop a strong focus, better attention skills as well as longer work cycles. This development is critical to a child’s success as they continue on with their schooling.   This class will provide a solid foundation for the children to grow, learn and aspire while making learning fun.

We follow Dr. Maria Montessori’s philosophy of working according to the child’s pace. In the Green Class children work according to their maturity and skill level. Advanced preschoolers and Kindergarten children work at their own pace in small groups. Each child is challenged to aspire and grow to his/her highest potential.

We have also have a Kindergarten program for qualified  students. This program combines the best of Montessori teaching methods and the public school curriculum.  Montessori teaching methods were developed to take your child up to to  ages 12-14 (Middle School Level) with advanced methodologies that your child can benefit from.  

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