• This is a very important class. As infants progress into this class, they learn and work in a more structured environment. A child may stay in this class until he or she is fully potty trained and able to work on his own and follow directions
  • This classroom is slower paced and provides a child centered learning experience. The child has the ability to make his or her on choices and the teacher as the director gently guides the child to activities as per the lesson plan.
  • The teacher –child ratio is lower
  • This program offers very young children self-development in a tender atmosphere of special understanding, respect and support.
  • Montessori Sensorial Activities respond to child’s urge to use all his senses, to explore around him.
  • This program also appropriately accommodates the very young child’s sensitive period for language by offering creative and intriguing concepts to expand their growing vocabularies by joining conversations, listening to stories, classifying objects, and learning songs and poems.  All nurture their budding language skills.
  • Many Practical Life Exercises in this program will assist the self-help skills that lead to independence.
  • This is the age of very strong imitation and the teachers constantly model appropriate social skills, good manners and consideration of others.
  • Children will use simple Montessori material to learn, math, language, geography, science and social science at their own pace
  • Arts and crafts, music and movement and dance classes help to improve the aesthetic values
  • Educational and fun field trips will be included in the program as part of their  hands on learning
  • This program gives a solid basic foundation for a very young child towards the academic success later in life

Blue Class Photos

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